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2002 Sacred Sound Retreat Images


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New Mexico Sacred Sound Workshop Retreat 2002

There is alot of photos here, be patient during the download, its worth it!

To view images of the 2003 Retreat, go to the next webpage

The Largest Touring Collection of Sacred Sound Instruments in North America Arrives at Ghost Ranch

9ways arrives at Ghost Ranch

Ghost Ranch

Ghost Ranch was an incredible site for this year's program

Tingsha Class

Students learn to use Tingshas in the Traditional Way, one method is to use them in conjuction with healing.

Conch Shell Line

Conch Shell Class

Tent Rocks

Tent Rocks

Tent Rocks Day Trip

We spent one day on a day trip with our instruments, Tent Rocks is a special place. Students rest and communicate with the spirits at an incredible vista.


Sunset at Ghost Ranch

Heather and John work with Tingshas

Heather and John work with Tingshas...

Pinson Mounds

On our way back from New Mexico we visited the ancient mound building culture of the Mississippi Basin. This is the Great Mound at the Pinson Mounds ( 1-500AD ) in Tennessee. We said prayers and made offerings to our Ancestors. Pictured is Saul's Mound, the 2nd tallest Native American mound in the USA.

Our home for the next 5 days

Our home for the next 5 days

The main room with instruments

We had 19 Gongs with us!

Tingsha Class

Diagnoising the human body, is one method of using Tingshas, Kathleen and Gabriel demonstrate.

Mitch Nur demonstrates Singing Bowls with Harmonic

Mitch Nur demonstrates Harmonic Overtone Singing with a 350yr. old Tibetan style Singing Bowl

Tibetan Long Horns

Lynette and Sandra were incredible playing these 500 year old Longchens!

Tent Rocks

Calling in the Spirits at Tent Rocks

Tingshas and Ghantas

Tingshas and Ghantas

Tingsha Class do our students Bonnie and Sequioia

Pinson Mounds

Two Horses makes an offering on one of the mounds ( mound 11 ). Turtles had recently hatched from eggs from this mound.

The Main Room

Gongs, Shofars, Conch Shells and more

Our Traditional Altar

Our Traditional Altar

Altar Items

Some of the featured items on our Traditional Altar

Two Horses Running

Two Horses Running leads the  Bonpo Shang class

Tent Rocks

What a View!

Peruvian Shamanic Whistling Vessels

Peruvian Shamanic Whistling Vessels


Someone we ran into in Tennessee

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