Mitch Nur and Two Horses Running

Mitch Nur (Men-ngak Rinchen, mixed blood Lenape) has been involved with eastern cultures for over 30 years in the specific areas of spiritual discipline, sacred sound practices and healing techniques. He currently lectures and teaches various types of workshops throughout the USA on the many diverse world traditions involving sacred sound instruments; including the human voice, World Shamanic practices, Buddhist, and Bön traditions. He is a student of the eastern Tibetan Nyingma Master Adzom Paylo Rinpoche and Lama Khemsar Rinpoche of the Yungdrung Bön tradition. Regarded as a Master of Himalayan Singing Bowls, he also instructs on the use and applications of Ghantas (Tibetan Ritual Bells), Tingshas (ritual hand cymbals), and is currently responsible for the reintroduction of the Shang, the ritual upturned flat bell of the Bönpo shamans. His lectures and demonstrations feature a extensive blend of history, science, and culture; with a hands on approach enabling students to not only fully grasp a subject, but to go beyond the academic to genuinely experiencing the discipline. The primary focus of his work is to provide all students the means by which to use sacred sound instruments to heal and strengthen their own physical and mental state. In turn, enabling them to heal others.
What primarily separates Mitch Nur from other instructors in this field is that he has actually lived and studied in the Himalayas. He is a student and teacher of these eastern traditions, and is a practitioner who incorporates the teachings into his daily life. Many of todays healing practitioners who utilize sacred sound instruments in their endeavors have sought out Mitch Nur for instruction and guidance. He has worked with various recording artists who produce meditational and healing sound music as well as producing his own recordings. And is sought out to acquire genuine instruments as well as how to play and apply them. Additionally, he has studied with Tuvan, Nepalese, Native American, Toltec, and Peruvian shamans. This rich mix of traditional, compassionate, enlightened Teachers from the east combined with the indigenous Shaman of the world has given him a perception and proficiency that is hard to find in todays teachers.

TWO HORSES RUNNING (Oklahoma Cherokee) is a practicing Native American/Buddhist/Bon Shaman. In training since the age of 9, she has developed a unique perspective on multi cultural shamanic practices and vibrational healing techniques. Two Horses is a compelling and direct instructor, enabling students to grasp the essence of her teachings. She is a traditional buckskin dancer, and author. As founder of the environmental research organization, Future Promise, she is also considered one of the leading authorities on wild cats of the world. She is renown for her teaching and shamanic abilities; particularly in conducting Drum Journeys and shamanic rituals with the Himalayan Bonpo Shang. Two Horses is currently studying with a Bon lineage Lama.
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